The White Spring is said to be a portal to the Celtic Otherworld. It is said that Gwyn Ap Nudd was said to ride through here.
The White Spring is said to be a portal to the Celtic Otherworld. It is said that Gwyn Ap Nudd was said to ride through here.
As a Saint and Actual Living Person: St. Brigid – c. 451 – 525 C.E. (A.D.) Goddess of Poetry, Magic, Healing, Smithcraft, Learning, Common People, Flocks/Stock/Yield of the Earth, and Inspiration. Patron Saint of Ireland along with Saint Patrick and St. Columba. Early Christian Nun, Abbess, and Founder of several Monasteries. Holiday: February 1st as “Saint Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Imbolc, or Oimelc.
The Goddess or St. Brigid has two holy wells in Kildare? She certainly does. Some say that one of the wells belongs to the Ancient Goddess Brigid while the other well belongs to St. Brigid. Both are sacred, both are holy, and both hold Brigid’s magical healing waters.