In the middle of the New Mexican northeastern desert is an aqua dark blue oasis called the “Blue Hole”. It was also once called “Blue Lake” or “Aqua Negra Chiquita” as one of the seven sister lakes connected underground by a vast network of water sources that gives Santa Rosa its reputation of being a city of natural lakes.
Natural Springs
Natural Springs that well up from the Earth and have minimal human impact or containment.
Bottomless Lakes State Park
Bottomless Lakes provided much cooling off during the hot and dry summers of the desert. Only Fifteen miles from Roswell, the Lakes is located along the Pecos River, and are a series of natural caves and sinkholes forming lakes used for recreation. The parks were established in 1933 and were the first State Park founded in New Mexico.
Sitting Bull Falls
The site is an astonishing dream-like 150′ waterfall than pours over canyon walls with a stalactite/stalagmite filled cavern behind it, dumping down into crystal clear natural swimming pools beneath.
Ondines or Undines is the modern English term for Water elementals, spirits, or nymphs. The term is derived from the Latin term “Unda,” meaning “a wave.”
A Freshwater nymph that lives along with springs, holy wells, rivers, waterfalls, and fountains is known to be a guardian of the waters in her domain. Depicted as an attractive nude bathing woman, they are known to entice and lure men to their waters. Sometimes, this is too seductive folly, a love affair, or a […]
The White Spring of Glastonbury
The White Spring is said to be a portal to the Celtic Otherworld. It is said that Gwyn Ap Nudd was said to ride through here.
The Chalice Well
Enter in the legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail thou shalt enter the Chalice Well. It is one of the most infamous holy wells found in Britain and Europe.
2021 Grubhub Grant Proposal
2/16/21 UPDATE: WE WERE NOT SELECTED. WINNERS LOCATED ON THIS PAGE Grubhub Grant Project: Preserving Holy Well, Sacred Springs, and Magical Waters. Grubhub driver Thomas Baurley is recording various cultural resources in his local communities, nationwide, and internationally through the preservation by dissemination of knowledge. He seeks the Grubhub Grant to continue recording, writing, and […]
Frankfort Mineral Springs
Frankfurt Mineral Springs, nestled in Raccoon Creek State Park in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. It is one of Pennsylvania’s largest state parks.
St. Columb’s Rill, Northern Ireland
The source of the magic for the infamous Bushmill’s Irish Malt Whiskey, these volcanic blessed waters are the lifestream of the elixirs produced at the Bushmill’s Distillery for over 400 years (1608). Saint Columb’s Rill is a tributary of the “an Bhuais” (River Bush) of Northern Ireland.