The Pagan Goddess Brigid, or the Christian Saint Brigid

As a Saint and Actual Living Person: St. Brigid – c. 451 – 525 C.E. (A.D.) Goddess of Poetry, Magic, Healing, Smithcraft, Learning, Common People, Flocks/Stock/Yield of the Earth, and Inspiration. Patron Saint of Ireland along with Saint Patrick and St. Columba. Early Christian Nun, Abbess, and Founder of several Monasteries. Holiday: February 1st as “Saint Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Imbolc, or Oimelc.

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Holy Well of Shanrahan (Glengarra Woods, Co. Tipperary, Ireland)

ccording to the Folklore Archive Collection at UCD, the Holy Well of Shanrahan in Shanbally Demesne (ethnographic research from W. Flynn, Poundlane, Clogheen age 80) recently changed names from the “Holy Well of Shanbally” to “St. Malachis Well”. An older woman referred to the well as “Tobar upnai Ceasra” and it was known as a well to be visited every Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

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