The White Spring is said to be a portal to the Celtic Otherworld. It is said that Gwyn Ap Nudd was said to ride through here.
The White Spring is said to be a portal to the Celtic Otherworld. It is said that Gwyn Ap Nudd was said to ride through here.
As a Saint and Actual Living Person: St. Brigid – c. 451 – 525 C.E. (A.D.) Goddess of Poetry, Magic, Healing, Smithcraft, Learning, Common People, Flocks/Stock/Yield of the Earth, and Inspiration. Patron Saint of Ireland along with Saint Patrick and St. Columba. Early Christian Nun, Abbess, and Founder of several Monasteries. Holiday: February 1st as “Saint Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Imbolc, or Oimelc.