Tobar Ghobnatan Holy Wells: St. Abban’s Well and St. Gobnait’s Well

As you drive up to the Tobar Ghobnatan Statue, Well, Hut, Grave, Church ruins, and yard, you will see on your right a wrought iron archway with the letters spelling “HOLY WELL” along its top. Another sign labels it as the “Tobar Ghobnatan Holy Well”.

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Tobar Ghobnatan Wishing Trees

A grand example of a large wishing tree (or rag tree) can be found at Tobar Ghobnatan in County Cork Ireland. It is a magical space of charm and tradition, with holy wells, shrines, mythology, and magical spots. As you drive up to the Tobar Ghobnatan Statue, Well, Hut, Grave, Church ruins, and yard, you will see on your right a wrought-iron archway with the letters spelling “HOLY WELL” along its top.

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Fagan’s Well – Lady’s Well, Feltrim Hill – Feltrim Quarry, Ireland

Much lore surrounds the hill, ranging from apparitions of a grey ghostly horse, a big black dog with blazing eyes, and a hold hag with bundles of faggots gliding towards the Holy Well. It is said the well was originally dedicated to St. Werburgh, a Saxon princess who ruled in 689 C.E.

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